
Our service to individuals has to be just that, individual, because people want our help for so many different reasons. Here are a few examples of who we help:

  • People with high earnings or substantial investments.

  • People who have sold an asset.

  • People who have a number of different sources of income.

  • People with self employment income.

  • Private landlords.

  • Tax refunds related to employment expenses.

  • Tradesmen and those covered by the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS).

Most people will need a tax return doing, we will make sure you understand what you need to do, by when and what you will need to pay. We will of course work out if there is a lawful way of minimising your taxes.

If you would like we can provide a personal balance sheet so you can see how you are progressing. This can also inform Inheritance Tax mitigation decisions or retirement planning.

We can work with you to consider if you and your family will be protected, if you are ill, if you are unable to work and ultimately checking you have a will. Not easy questions but we believe that by asking them we are helping you look after your family. We have trusted partners who can help you set these up.

There is a whole industry that has built up around savings and investments and many people feel bamboozled about what to do.

The question you might have is:

are they advising me or looking for a commission?

Advice we give will be clear and impartial. We do not receive commissions resulting from investment decisions. We will recommend you to an Independent Financial Advisor we think will give you the best advice, if appropriate for your needs.

We operate under fixed fees agreements whereby you always know what you are going to pay in advance, all normal communications are included, and we have a money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.

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